Each Sunday, our Senior Choir under the direction of our Music Director, Donna Corbett, leads the congregation in hymns. New singers of any age from teenage up are warmly welcomed in our choir. The only criteria is a desire to share in the joy of music. Additional interested singers, soloists and narrators join to form the Celebration Choir for our annual Christmas and Easter Cantatas. We dream of creating a Junior Choir.
Our musical style is an appealing mix of sacred and fun. We blend old favourites and newer modern hymns, so toe-tapping and hand-clapping and smiles often add to the accompaniment provided by our baby grand piano, organ and featured instrumentalists.
The amazing acoustics of the specially designed sanctuary as well as the beautiful concert baby grand piano make it a perfect location for weddings, special events, concerts and recitals by groups of all sizes and styles. We are a sought-after venue within the wider music community and welcome inquiries about rental of the space.
Our Senior Choir practices in the sanctuary each Thursday at 7:30 p.m. from September to June. If you are interested in becoming a part of this group or would like to share in our Music Ministry in some other way, please leave a message at the office (905-478-2231) for our Music Director.
See our Event Calendar and Special Events page for details about special music offerings.