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Payment Methods for the 1-144 Envelope Challenge

Thank you to those who have already made a commitment to the envelope challenge.

If you are interested in supporting this challenge please email let us know which envelope(s) you want to pick. More details below.

Payment is very easy.

  1. By Mail or Drop off. Feel free to drop cash or cheques in a sealed envelope to the church during OA hours. Hours are posted below. Envelopes should be clearly marked “To be opened only by the Envelope Treasurer” (for confidentiality).  Include your name and the donation amount should be allocated to “1-144 Envelope Challenge”.
  2. By Electronic Transfer (Send Money, e-Transfer). Setup “Sharon-Hope United Church” as a recipient/payee using Select the option to send money, e-Transfer or Electronic Transfer Funds. Type in the message field “1-144 Envelope Challenge“.
    • If the sender’s (your) bank allows for auto-deposit, then the sender should just send the money to Sharon-Hope.
    • If the sender’s (your) bank does not allow for auto-deposit, then a security question and answer needs to be created and the answer sent to; the subject line should be “1-144 Envelope Challenge“. (NOTE: There are some banks that do not allow auto-deposit at all and for those banks, a question and answer needs to be set up regardless of the fact that the Sharon-Hope account has been set up for auto-deposit).